An apprenticeship is an optimal way for young people to start their careers in Germany. Apprentices (Azubis) are urgently needed in Berlin. Here you will find the most important information about so called “Duale Ausbildung” (dual training). We are happy to help with advice and placement.
After completion of general schooling, young people do not necessarily have to gain a qualification for the job market at a university. The dual vocational education and training in Germany is a long-established system that gives companies the opportunity to train their own future skilled workers. There are over 300 training occupations – so you are bound to find the right one for you.
As the name suggests, dual vocational education and training takes place at two teaching and learning locations: the vocational school and the company providing training. Trainees sign a training agreement with a company.
Trainee allowance: During the training the company pays a wage to the trainee.
Learning by practice: As an employee of the company you can familiarise yourself with various tasks and areas related to the training occupation.
How it works:
Three days a week at the training company and two days a week at the vocational school.
Dual vocational education and training usually lasts for three to three and a half years.
The final exam is taken after three or three and a half years. If the final exam is passed the trainee receives a certified qualification which allows them to work as a skilled worker at the company or to apply to another company.
Can Ukrainians begin a training course in Germany?
The Temporary Protection Directive allows direct access to the German job market (see Arriving and working in Berlin). This also covers access to the German training market.
Which language skills are important for beginning a training course?
German language skills at B2 level are crucial for beginning a training course. Vocational schools require high levels of spoken and written German.
What preparation options are there?
In Germany you can complete a 6- to 12-month introductory training placement (according to Section 54a of the German Social Code Book 3, SGB III) at a training company and lay the foundations here for the desired training course. If performance is good, the time spent at the introductory training placement can be counted towards the first training year.
Will I receive money during the training?
Yes, you will receive a trainee allowance during the training, The allowance increases every training year. The amount of trainee allowance depends on the training occupation and on the industry. There is an overview of the standard trainee allowances here.
What does a training course in Germany involve?
There are over 300 training occupations. It is important to have a good overview. You can do some research yourself as a first step. We have listed a few videos and websites for this above.
A career consultation can help you find the occupation that best matches your interests and skills. These meetings are free of charge and can be used again and again:
You can also use the services from Educational Counselling and Career Guidance. The website is available in German and English. Some consultations are available in multiple languages.
Training places are advertised like job vacancies, which means your application must include a cover letter and CV as if you were applying for a job, Consultation providers can also help with applications. There is also a tool for this online: JOBLOQ. You can find training places on offer on training search platforms online.
All vacant training places in Berlin are listed here:
Nationwide vacant training places for industrial and commercial occupations can be found in the IHK traineeship exchange (Lehrstellenbörse).Nationwide vacant training places for industrial and commercial occupations can be found in the IHK traineeship exchange (Lehrstellenbörse).
Video about dual vocational education and training